hey techdoctor I am so bored with myAndroid device I'm bored with this layout I'm bored with these standardapplications everybody uses can you tell me if there's anything else I can do onmy device to alleviate some of that boredom well in this
video today let meshow you some really cool things you can do on pretty much any Android box thatwill really open up a world of possibilities on things you can dothings you can download things you can view and just so much more coming upright after this if you're new to the channel and you want to stay up to datewith the latest tech tutorials the latest forest stick Android and AndroidTV tips and tricks then please do subscribe to the notification barrelit's a small click from you but it makes a big difference to me thank youokay so the first cool thing you can do on your Android box is to install anapplication called null keyboard now as the name employs it Connick means nullas in nothing so this cable will basically remove the visible keyboard onyour screen now in case you're wondering why you may want to do that well on myAndroid Box I use a mini keyboard like this one over here so if I have a fullyworking keyboard like this or even a keyboard like this then I don't reallywant to see an on-screen keyboard so let me just demonstrate what that looks likeso for example if I'm in my browser or really any application and now I want togo to the address bar at the top so even though I have a fully working keyboardand I can actually enter in some text here because of this one screen keyboardit kind of takes up half the display so how do we get rid of fair well on mydownloads page you'll find an application calledno keyboard install the application and once you've installed it if you go toyour home screen go over to your settings and I'm using aBluetooth mouse and a Bluetooth keyboard in its demonstration but you can applythis for any keyboard on your device let's get on into keyboard and insidekeyboard you want to go to manage keyboards so once you've installed theknow keyboard this will actually appear in the list over herenow what you want to do then is actually turn that on by default after youinstall it this will be like this so you want to turn that on first by doing thatyou can click on OK to the message click on OK again now when you go back out ofthis and now you have the option of selecting what is the current keyboardlet's click on that now and let's now select the no keyboard ok so now thatwe've selected that let's go back out this now let's go back into anapplication so let's say for example back to a browser again and now forexample when I click over here you can see no keyboard so I can now starttapping things in like google.com then type things in any application thatrequires any kind of input from my keyboard I can now type all of thatstuff in without seeing any keyboard on the screen and even if you're using amini keyboard like this again because you have a fully working keyboardthere's no reason for you to see an on-screen keyboard so for example now ifI go into the search bar and click on this now can now start typing startfeeling like tech doctor and I can click on something or without seeing anon-screen keyboard so that's the first cool thing you can do on any Androiddevice which is to basically hide the on-screen keyboard next up we can useour Android box to fully edit Microsoft Word documents directly on your screenso no need to open up your computer or open up your laptop if you do want toquickly look at a document or even edit a document you can actually do thatdirectly onto your Android box now to do that there's an application I'm going tobe using called smart office which is also available from my downloads page solet's open that up let's go to apps let's find smart office in the list nowwhen you start this application for the first time this is what you'll see andbasically here is allowing you to access your local storage or for example if youplug in a USB stick you can access any documents on there and open themdirectly in this application and you can also edit those Falls this also supportssome of the most popular cloud storage such as Google Drive box and alsoDropbox which means if you do have all the documents in those locations you canopen them up directly in this application and then view them printthem or even edit them so in this demonstration let me just open up apreviously saved document so let's go into my documents here we can see we'vegot my CV over here let's open that up and we can see this is in the worddocument format but it also supports your PowerPoint presentations your Excelspreadsheets and even your Access databases okay let's open that up ok sohere we can see an overview of the CV let's click on that now and here we areguys we can now start editing here now because of the previous tip when I doactually click anywhere we can see we see no on-screen keyboard if you didn'tinstall the no keyboard as soon as you click on this you'll then see anon-screen keyboard but in my example because we have no keyboard installed Ican now start editing this let's put in my name and let's go for TD UKlet's get a full-contact address let's put a 1td UK Avenue London that's not myreal address in case you guys want to come and visit me but we can see guyswe're now fully able to edit this document we are full control of thisapplication of this document we can use the keyboard and mouse edit the documentwe can then save this directly on to our Android box or we can save it to one ofthe options in the cloud so that's really the second cool thing we can doon our Android box which is to view edit print manipulate any of the standardmark soft office document formats now the next cool thing we can do in ourunder box is install a special browser called the amaze browser now the keything about the mais browser compared to say Firefox or puffin TV or even Chromeit has built in a web cast team now what this means is any media that you canfind on the Internet whether that's movie trailers or any other video filesor anything like that anything you find in the Internet you can cast thatdirectly from the web page onto an application like MX player or VLC nowthe question is how do you actually find this content online for you to be ableto cast it via browser well is a great website you can go to court files GAwhich is fil e Z and then dot GA let's go to that now so this is basically amultimedia online search engine which will give you direct download links forpretty much anything you can find on the internet so things like images softwaregames music books and of course video content movie trailers etc so let's sayfor example we're searching for let's click on this and let's search for let'ssearch for terminator let's type that in so this will now basically go off to theinternet and find all sorts of open directories which contained media filesmatching the search string Terminator and as we can see here guys just pagesand pages of content matching though so say for example we click on this oneover here and you can just see guys just so many movie trailers are in here justpretty much anything you possibly want to watch you can find it in here now thekey thing about the amaz'd browser versus Chrome or puffin TVon those browsers if you want to access any of these links as soon as you clickon this this will now start downloading this particular content to your devicewhich you may want to do if you want to build up a movie library or somethingelse but in our case because we want to stream content but on the Amaze browserif you actually click on something you get the option what you want to do withthis file and what we want to do is select third-party because this willallow us to use this file in a third-party program let's click onselect so you can see guys pretty much any content you can find online usingthe files dot GA website you can use that in combination with the Amazebrowser find your content and pretty much anything you click on you can startplaying that straight away just make sure you set the third-party you caneven make this as a default option click on select and we see that starts playingstraight away with the fantastic picture thrust the next cool thing you can do onyour Android device the next thing you can do on your Android device to spicethings up is to install an application called happy check now this singleapplication will allow you to download and play pretty much all of the classicgames on your Nintendo Super Nintendo Mega Drive Master System arcade neogeopretty much all of the old formats even PlayStation 1 games you can playdirectly through this so once again you'll find this on my downloads pagelet's download that now now to use this application I do recommend using aBluetooth controller and the one I was using my demos is the game Sergi 4s nowthe reason why I prefer this controller for my retro gaming is firstly thecompany that made this is a company called game sir and that's the samecompany that she make happy chicks so it's as you can imagine both workperfectly well together the next reason is the fact that with this particularcontroller I've not really noticed any kind of input lag that you may see withPlaystation 4 or maybe even PlayStation 3 controllers and losses actually reallywell-made controller guys and I've been using this for more than a year now I'venot had any issues with it so far so highly recommended from me and if youwant to get it I will leave a link in the video descriptionok let's click on install now as previously mentioned the great thingabout this application is you don't need to find any of the rooms and manuallyyourself so you can use this application search for any game you want and with inone click you can download that game and start playing it straight away let's gowith rankings let's see some popular games let's uh strike on trotlet's click on that let's click on download' give that a few seconds andwithin 5 ok it's totally ready to launch this kicks on launch okay you got the Gfull controller in there let's click on launch again press any key to continuelet's press Start and there you have it guys with a single application you'venow turned your boring Android box into a one-stop retro gaming station heylet's start killing some bad guys huh ok let's get that Alex s working absolutelyfine and TD UK is dominating huh so just when he says that he dies but wesee guys that's working really well really fast and this is just literally atip of the iceberg guys because there are so many games you can get to a happychick with one click download them and start enjoying all of your classic retrogames again alright so that's the next cool thing you can do on your Androidbox which is not die like that but actually play thousands of retro gamesor with one click directly on your device the next cool thing you can donear Android box is to use a device like this a USB webcam and user to basicallymake video calls on your device so they're going to use Skype or anothervideo conferencing application you can do that directly on your Android box somaybe full of the family sitting around and you wanna call a friend or anotherrelative in another country you could now all join in that conversation byseeing it on the big screen and in terms of connectivity in the trees of the caseof plug and play so plugging in a USB webcam into your device start your videoconferencing application like Skype or whichever application you're using andyou can start enjoying this cause straight away now in this demonstrationI've just downloaded a third-party application called USB camera just toshow you how easy is to configure a USB webcam on an Android device so let's nowplug that in we can see the application start straightawayand within a second we can see I'm now broadcasting using this webcam we cansee my hands we can see my pocket go device over there we can see my gamesmini arcade joystick we can see that he 95q box I'm doing this on and we can seemy fire stick Ethernet adapter back there guys so just to show you how easyit is plug in a USB webcam and start enjoyingvideo calls directly on your Android device well that's all for this videoguys many thanks for watching and I really do appreciate you watching tillthe end so if you did find this video useful then do you give it a thumbs upif you want to see more content like this then please do subscribe to thenotification barrel as always I also appreciate your feedback your likes youshare so do let me know you think leave me a comment below and I'll hopefullycatch up with you guys real soon thanks.
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